The Benefits of Intelligent Usage Metering

White Paper

Eight Reasons Companies Need Asset Usage Metering

It is important to understand whether the tools you have, or what you are evaluating, can truly meter asset usage in ways that will enable significant cost savings, support portfolio planning, and provide audit defense.

Download the white paper, “The Benefits of Intelligent Usage Metering,” to discover how IT asset usage metering provides benefits to several main business process areas:

•    Software license management
•    Adoption of self-provisioned, cloud-based applications
•    Cloud, OS or application migrations
•    IT outsourcer cost transparency
•    Effective governance of application and web site use

You’ll learn how many solutions only meter the opening and closing of traditional workstation applications, and why those solutions miss key data to drive real cost optimization. Read the white paper to discover how to improve asset utilization by following a best practices checklist.