Asset Vision Workstation

Reduce costs by identifying underperforming and underutilized assets

IT assets are expensive, and increasingly difficult to secure. Industry research shows that organizations routinely waste money by paying for vast amounts of unused workstation software. Coupled with a lack of clarity around inventory, license liability, usage and even asset location, accurate management of ongoing costs has become impossible. If you have difficulty figuring out who has which asset, where the assets are and what their status is, Asset Vision Workstation can help.​



Optimize financial management with usage metering

Asset Vision Workstation is the ultimate in software usage metering technology. It delivers forensic-level usage analysis of traditional and virtual applications, applications running on virtual desktops and web applications. In conjunction with other core features of the Asset Vision solution, this can dramatically drive down operational IT costs by identifying hardware and software assets that can be reconfigured, recycled, or retired, so you can eliminate unnecessary expenditures.


Gain control and insight with comprehensive discovery and inventory

Asset Vision Workstation is designed to be the single source of truth for IT Assets—the definitive IT Asset Register. Flexible import mechanisms enable disparate sources of information to be easily added. You can integrate data from common sources of information such as SCCM then validate and reconcile with Asset Vision’s integrated asset discovery capabilities. You can then correlate the discovered information with procurement data such as Purchase Orders, Warranties, Advance Ship Notices, and Invoices from various sources.

The information is enriched and normalized with data elements such as location data and end of life dates, all backed by a team of Scalable data researchers who ensure high standards of data quality. Integrated search, reporting, and analytics means the information maintained by Asset Vision can be mined and shared with ease.


Support software asset management with inventory, entitlements, and license rules

Asset Vision Workstation enables IT to prepare an accurate, thorough, and detailed picture of license compliance without outside vendor involvement, dramatically reducing the complexity and manual tasks required to manage software license entitlement information. It forms the basis for sound Software Asset Management practices and, in conjunction with other tools in the Asset Vision suite, can reduce software expenditure and eliminate compliance risk.

Whether you are reconciling licenses for desktop applications or datacenter software assets, you can compare license assignments to licenses owned to understand the size and scope of your software license compliance risk. Asset Vision incorporates a reporting function that leverages the data view concept to help build pivot views and dashboards. Besides numerous pre-built data views which can be modified and saved to speed report creation custom views can be easily created and shared.