Score and Benchmark Digital Agility


Enhance digital agility and realize the value by measuring what matters

Digital agility is a measurement of how easily an organization, team or individual can adapt to changing business needs by leveraging digital technologies. This can include optimizing current digital processes and upgrading hardware and software, or embracing completely new technologies and channels. 

By becoming more digitally agile, organizations improve their adaptability in every area of business – from being able to quickly launch new services to customers, to easily deploying new tools to their hybrid workforce. 

Benefits of Acumen

  • Measure, score, and optimize digital agility to help benchmark current capabilities and identify priorities for change
  • Identify and leverage the skills of digital champions whilst identifying those in need of support and wrapping the appropriate training and skills transfer to enable success across the team
  • Compare segments by role, team, and location for benchmarking and improvement tracking
  • Improve employee productivity by removing digital friction, identifying best practice and accelerating adoption, enabling the whole team to adapt and collectively respond to changes in work practices.

Configurable Digital Agility Scores

The Digital Agility score is a measurement calculated using the collection of priority KPIs that the organisation wishes to track on a weekly basis across every user in the organisation.  KPIs summarise low-level technical metrics that relate to an employee’s digital experience and productivity. The agility score can be calculated for a Person, a Group or an Organization using a collection of KPIs that are defined by the administrator.  Agility scores are scored out of 360; 360 being the maximum.  

Score and Benchmark Digital Agility and show improvement over time

Acumen helps you assess and benchmark the digital competency of your workforce today and identify gaps in current technology utilization. Compare different segments by role, team, and location, to enable your organizations to benchmark and measure improvement systematically.

Automated recommendations then help you drive greater adoption of digital technologies that enable agile operations, and track how these changes are helping you achieve your goals.


Identify the Digital Champions to help drive organizational change

Use Transformation Initiatives (TI) to identify the digital champions within your organization. Objective analysis, built upon Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each of the constituent parts of a TI, helps identify those groups, or even individuals, exhibiting the digital behavior you would most like to replicate.

See Our Resources

Acumen for Employee Productivity
Acumen for Employee Productivity
Acumen – Eliminating Process Friction
Case Studies
Acumen – Eliminating Process Friction
Providing an Exceptional Hybrid Working Experience
Providing an Exceptional Hybrid Working Experience